RetroFarms: Next Phase Updates!
As a result of the work of RetroDefi’s development team, the good news keep coming. First, in the next few days some adjustments will be made to boost the strength of our native tokens and enhance the integration of the ecosystem between the two networks where our RetroFarms works, ie, Binance SmartChain and Polygon Network.
In this line of ideas, the team is making the necessary calculations to carry out a re-leveling of rewards among the RetroFarms Staking and Farming pools, giving the highest priority to the benefits generated by Rcube, Qbert and pQbert, creating a greater buying pressure that will allow us to capture more liquidity and provide strength to the price of our Tokens. To achieve these objectives we will proceed with the termination of some low TVL farms and pools that take out QBERT allocations that can serve us for other things. For now the first pools scheduled to close are the BNB/DUSA LP farm and Cosmic’s single stake pool, rewards for this pool will be paused in the next 48 hours and this will allow us to redirect their rewards to other pools with greater potential to benefit the project.
Additionally, we are pleased to announce to the community that October 25th has been defined as the tentative date for the start of the bridge that will allow the transfer of Qbert/pQbert between both chains achieving a greater unification between them, as well as promoting the freedom among holders to determine in which network they wish to have their tokens and the possibility of implementing strategies while interacting with RetroFarms versions in Binance SmartChain or Polygon Network.
The Future of RetroFarms!
Likewise, we are pleased to anticipate that RETRODEFI just made a new partnership with the potential to become the most important made by RetroDEFI so far, product of this we have proceeded to make a vesting of 1 year on the amount of pQBERTS belonging to the team, which will ensure greater peace of mind to the community and our partners, consolidating our long term commitment to the project and opening the doors to new opportunities for us!
New Partnership Announcement:
Vesting Contract:
Website: —
Announcement Channel: