RETRO DeFi Presents: RETRO Farms
Retro Farms is what DeFi should be.
The idea of being able to use your digital assets in various ways, to ultimately increase your position is an exciting concept. A concept that the development team over at Retro DeFi, decided it was up for an evolution.
Retro DeFi will be front and center in its very own ecosystem. Incorporating trusted DeFi methods and by also launching various new use cases for our very own tokens. Retro DeFi is an all in one shop when it comes to DeFi Ecosystems.
Our Goal with RETRO Farms
The RETRO DeFi Team is committed to support the core idea of DEFI, providing our users with an easy way to automatically grow their yields over time. RETRO DeFi is built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). This a key difference when it comes to yield farming considering transaction fees have low costs and fast transaction time on the BSC Network.
All this creates a perfect opportunity for ordinary individuals to enter the DEFI space without having to pay excessive transaction costs, allowing the user to participate and still earn even with a small amount of initial capital.
Through our RETRO Automated Compounding feature, everyone will have the opportunity to reap benefits. Our smart contracts will compound your profits for you without the need of taking additional steps. Like most yield aggregators we will use PancakeSwap and PancakeBunny since is they who are the most rapidly growing platforms on BSC Network.
Introducing QBERT
A Utility Token with amazing potential!
QBERT is intended to be a valuable farming reward token. QBERT has a MAX supply of 8 million tokens, with only 10% of the total supply being initially minted. Users can earn QBERT by participating in RETRO Farms, or by buying it through PancakeSwap. Roughly 1.25% of all initially minted tokens will go towards the treasury to ensure rapid innovation of the RETRO DeFi ecosystem Once the pool is created, BNB & QBERT tokens will be put in the Pancake Swap Liquidity Pool, at a listing price of $2.00 per QBERT.
Whitelisted Pre-Sale & Mantra Dao ZENDIT Launchpad!
RCUBE Holders Whitelisted Presale
For those in the community who have supported RETRO DeFi, the RETRO team decided to have a Pre-Sale for QBERT exclusively for RCUBE holders.
All applicants would of had to be holding 5,000 RCUBE’s during the whitelisting period and must be holding 5,000 RCUBE’s at the time of presale in order to participate. Whitelisting steps were shared in our Official Telegram Group.
- 150,000 QBERT Tokens
- 1.50 BUSD per QBERT
- 25% Released at TGE
- 3 Month Vesting Period
Mantra Dao ZENDIT Launchpad is Coming
Mantra Dao ZENDIT Launchpad will be in charge of launching QBERT back to the future on JUNE 24 at 12 PM UTC / 8 AM EST with QBERT TGE scheduled for Monday, June 28th at 8:30 PM EST / 12:30 AM UTC
RETRO DeFi has chosen one of the most respected Launchpads in all of DeFi. Mantra Dao ZENDIT Launchpad has earned respect and trust from its community and having them launch QBERT goes to show that RETRO DeFi means business.
There will be 150K QBERT’s allocated to RCUBE whitelisted addresses at a rate of 1.50 BUSD per QBERT.
- 150,000 QBERT Tokens
- 1.50 BUSD per QBERT
- 25% Released at TGE
- 3 Month Vesting Period
Retro Farm will launch 48 Hours after All Pre-sale activities have finished. ETA*
The initial mint of QBERT will be of 850,000 tokens for distribution. To protect the long term sustainability of the project all sales, team treasury and marketing wallets will have a vesting period of 3 months.
All participating groups in the initial release will get 25% of their purchased tokens at TGE and the remaining 75% released evenly, every 30 days.
- 25% Released To All Presale Participants. 75% LOCKED.
JULY 2021
- First QBERT vesting unlock, 25% Released. 50% LOCKED.
- Second QBERT vesting unlock, 25% Released. 25% LOCKED.
- Third & last QBERT unlock, 25% Released.
RETRO Farms Overview
Compound your profits easily. The Automated Compounding feature will grow your stake automatically, maximizing your yield potential everyday.
Multi-Reward System
A variety of tokens can be earned through RETRO Farms; QBERT, CAKE, BUNNY and BNB tokens.
The Goal is to create a sustainable and long term structure to achieve stability, security and trust.
Utility Focused
We believe utility is what drives the value of an asset, at RETRO we aim to provide users with a variety of Dapps where both of our tokens play a major role, giving incentives, voting powers and more to our community.
Gaming Integrations & Features
Games of Probability
Want to test your luck? RETRO has the game for you! Just fill in your bet with the needed token. Choose your own odds % and test your luck! Select your Roll Dice option; either lower or higher than the bet selected and test your luck!
Spend specific tokens to buy Lottery tickets, which contributes directly to the lottery pot. Lottery rewards and timeframe for lottery drawings will be announced at launch!
Play free Retro games at the Arcade section. In the future we plan to create fully integrated games so users can get rewarded by playing with RETRO DEFI tokens.
Vaults & Farms
Fee Structure and Initial Farming Pairs
In Retro Farms, users can deposit a variety of tokens to earn even more QBERT tokens. There will be NO withdraw fee at Retro Farms except for the RCUBE single stake pool, if user unstake outside the NO FEE* period the RCUBE transfer tax will be applied. There is a 4% Harvest fee and a 1% staking fee on every pool in the Farm.
All Vaults
•Deposit fee: 0.1% (distributed to vault depositors)
All Vaults
•QBERT Buyback & Burn: 1.5%
•Network fee: 0.2% of performance fee will be used for network transactions
•Operational fee: 2.3%
•Total fee: 4 %.
Farming Pools
Single Asset Staking Pools
Farm Structure, RoadMap & Solidity Finance AUDIT
Below we have laid out a guide of how the farm works in the most basic way possible. Yield Farming use cases and passive income combined with the Automated Compounding makes QBERT and RCUBE very important assets.
How Retro Farms work?
The Roadmap below will give you a good idea of how RETRO Farms will be rolled out. After the gaming integrations have launched completely we should have new details regarding future plans to come, building on top of a very established & self sustaining Ecosystem.
Earning our Communities TRUST
Security and trust are probably the two most important things in when it comes to any Financial endeavor. The team at RETRO DeFi has insured all farm contracts and features are properly audited by respected Auditors. We have chosen Solidity Finance to audit all contracts.
Join Our Community!
As always we suggest you join our communities and stay up to date with the latest news and announcements.